tisdag 29 december 2009
Soja minskar cancerrisken
American Journal of clin. Nutrition 89(4): 1155-1163
Soja skyddar vid diabetes
Journal of Nutrition 139:1700-1706
Bästa Ready to eat Meat alternatives:
The Redwood Wholefood Company
Bästa Vegan Cheese:
Bute Island foods-smoked cheddar style sheese
Bästa vegan dressing:
Plamil äggfri majonäs
Bästa veganskor:
Vegetarian shoes
Bästa veganska nätbutik:
Alternative stores
Bästa veganchoklad:
Montezuma Kirsch cherries
Bästa Vegan choklad:
Booja Booja champagne truffles
Bästa Veganprodukt
Swdish Glase choklad (dvs Tofulineglass)
Roger Moore
V Bites
söndag 27 december 2009
Redfellas juicebar
Full-time campaigns assistant, based in Manchester, see http://www.captiveanimals.org/news/2009/vacancy.htmlClosing date 1 Feb.
lördag 19 december 2009

Till frukost :
gröt på havre, bovete eller hirs. Sojamjölk(berikad med B1212,vitamin D och kalk) Dessutom bär eller färsk frukt.
Mellanmål: Bröd med vegopastej och grönsaker/frukt eller sojayoghurt
Lunch: Pasta med linssås eller färssås och grönsaker
Mellanmål: Frukt/bär och sojayoghurt
Middag: Ris, grönsaker och tofu
Kväll: Gröt/välling eller smörgås med havremjölk
Miljö och köttproduktion
"Visste du att det går åt 2 500 liter vatten för att framställa köttet till en enda 150 grams hamburgare"
" Om alla svenska bytte kött mot grönsaker två gånger i veckan skulle det motsvara CO2-utsläppet från 233 000 bilar under ett helt år."
tisdag 8 december 2009
Hej,jag läste en artikel om sojamjölk i den japanska dagstidningen asahipå nätet - det stod att sojamjölksdrickandet ökade och att det kom enmassa nya smaker på sojamjölken, efter att sojamjölken haft två dåligaår 2007 och 2008 pga av att en del var oroliga för att det kanske intevar bra med för mycket sojaprodukter.En sojamjölkstillverkare som det stod om varhttp://www.kibun-tounyu.jp/ ,samma märke som fanns i de flestabutiker när jag var där, men då hittade jag bara deras standardmjölk -på deras hemsida finns följande sojamjölkvarianter* utan tillsatser, bara sojabönor* sötad, standard* sötad, extra tjock* sötad, lättvarianten* svart te* kaffe* kakao* grönt te* svarta sesamfrön* banan* apelsin, äpple, mandarin, ananas* jordgubbe* aprikoskärnor* kastanj* rostad sötpotatis* grönkål, äpple, persika, banan
söndag 6 december 2009
Använd ekologiska apelsiner som först sköljs av i ljummet vatten, innan de skalas(ät upp frukten) 2 -4 apelsiner. Skär bort det vita på insidan av skalet och strimla skalet i tunna bitar. Häll sedan hett vatten över dem och låt stå i 30 minuter.
Koka upp2 dl socker + 3 dl vatten. Sila av de blötlagda skalen och lägg ner i den kokande sockerlagen. Koka i 10 minuter. Sila av sockerlagen och lägg apelsinstrimlorna på torkning i 1-2 timmar. Doppa dem sedan i mörk choklad som smälts i vattenbad. Lägg de doppade bitarna på smörgåspapper att stelna. Förvara svalt.
Vego de luxe
Lyckad Vegomässa
Många besökare, mängder av härlig veganmat i form av korvar, biffar, kakor, bakelser, smoothies mm
torsdag 26 november 2009
Goodstore 3 år
Schysst julmarknad
tisdag 24 november 2009
Delfiner dödas i Japan
Skicka protest till Japans ambassad och passa på att se filmen
Stoppa slaktandet i Nepal
Human Society International uppmanar alla att kontakta Nepals ambassader med protestskrivelser för att få dessa blodiga aktiviteter att upphöra. Skriv/maila tex denna text;
I was horrified to learn recently of the imminent slaughter of hundreds of thousands of animals as part of the upcoming Gadhimai Jatra festival. For men to stab helpless creatures to death in a two-day competition is extremely cruel, even in the name of tradition. I understand that even local people consider this practice barbaric and outdated and want the killing to stop.
I am writing to ask you to use your influence to put a halt to the atrocity, either by canceling the event altogether or by substituting fruits and vegetables instead of animals, as has been suggested by some religious leaders. Until these so-called "festivities" are stopped, I will reconsider any plans I had to travel to Nepal as a tourist, and ask all my friends and family to do the same.
Please know that the world is watching Nepal regarding this matter and that millions of people who care about animals find this bloody slaughter abhorrent. There is no excuse for such cruelty in a civilized society. As Mahatma Gandhi is reported to have said, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be determined by the ways it treats its animals."
Nästa Vegetariska Världskongress
se mer information om nästa kongress på
Folsyra och B12
Dosen folsyra som gruppen fick var även mycket hög (800 mikrogram) jämfört med tex det veganska kosttillskottet Veg1 som innehåller 200 mikrogram.
Eftersom tillskotten med folsyra och B12 gavs tillsammans i den norska undersökningen, faller misstanken om ökad cancerrisk på tillskottet med folsyra. Det är också något som författaren i studien nämner “the observed associations between the primary end points and vitamin concentration measured during study treatment were confined to serum folate, suggesting that the adverse effects were mediated by folic acid.” Sannolikheten är stor att den ökade risken för cancer kopplad till höga intag med folsyra endast gäller rökare som tar folsyratillskott, skriver Stephen Walsh.
tisdag 17 november 2009
Vegokongresser och festivaler
39 Internationella vegetariska kongressen arrangeras okt 2010 på Jakarta och Bali
1 MidEast Vegetariska kongresen 28-30 sept 2010 i Dubai
13 Internationella Veganfestivalen 2011 i Italien, Turin
SydVästliga Asiatiska kongressen blir av i Bangalore, Indien, 13-14 augusti 2010
Veganmat på stan
vegankorv, chorizokorv,fransk hotdog, cheeseburgare, lemon masalaburgare, a la Lindström, vegbullar, vårrullar,toast med veganost. Nästa besök i Malmö ska jag styra stegen dit direkt.
Nu hoppas man bara att alla andra kiosker begriper att de ska följa samma linje.
onsdag 11 november 2009
Veganskt julbord
anmälan till 018-666 143
Alkoholfritt, veganskt. Glutenfritt kommer att finnas, liksom nötfritt.
Bemötande på MVC
söndag 1 november 2009
Vegandagen idag!
onsdag 28 oktober 2009
Soja skydd mot bröstcancer
A new study looking at more than 1,500 Asian-American women living in California and Hawaii showed that those with the highest intake of soy during childhood (younger than 12 years old) had a 60 percent lower risk of developing breast cancer later in life. Regular soy consumption in adolescence (12 to 19 years old) and adulthood (20 years old and older) also had a protective effect but with 20 and 25 percent reductions in risk, respectively.1
Prior studies have shown similar protective effects of soy consumption before adulthood.2,3,4
1. Korde LA, Wu AH, Fears T, et al. Childhood soy intake and breast cancer risk in Asian American women. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2009;18:OF1-OF10.
2. Shu XO, Jin F, Dai Q, et al. Soyfood intake during adolescence and subsequent risk of breast cancer among Chinese women. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2001;10:483-488.
3. Wu AH, Wan P, Hankin J, Tseng CC, Yu MC, Pike MC. Adolescent and adult soy intake and risk of breast cancer in Asian-Americans. Carcinogenesis. 2002;23:1491-1496.
4. Thanos J, Cotterchio M, Boucher BA, Kreiger N, Thompson LU. Adolescent dietary phytoestrogen intake and breast cancer risk (Canada). Cancer Causes Control. 2006;17:1253-1261.
Soja minskar cancerrisk
posted 3/31/09
Soy intake reduces the risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer in men and women, respectively, according to two new studies that will be released tomorrow in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. An analysis of 14 studies showed that increased intake of soy resulted in a 26 percent reduction in prostate cancer risk. Researchers found a 30 percent risk reduction with nonfermented soy products such as soy milk and tofu.
The second study looked at the dietary patterns of almost 2,400 Asian-American women and found that those with the highest intakes of soy and vegetables had a decreased risk of breast cancer. Those with the highest intakes of meat and starch had a two-fold increased risk. Researchers concluded that lower intakes of meat and starches and higher intakes of legumes and vegetables protect against breast cancer in Asian Americans.
Yan L, Spitznagel EL. Soy consumption and prostate cancer risk in men: a revisit of a meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;89:1155-1163.
Wu AH, Yu MC, Tseng C, Stanczyk FZ, Pike MC. Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk in Asian-American women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;89:1145-1154.
Vegankost ger inte svagt skelett
A Life of Veganism Has No Adverse Effects on Bones
A lifelong vegan diet has no adverse effects on bone mineral density compared to an omnivorous diet, concluded researchers who matched 105 postmenopausal Buddhist nuns who followed a vegan diet to 105 omnivorous women. The researchers analyzed bone mass at the lumbar spine, femoral neck, and whole body, and collected a structured food questionnaire for each participant. The vegan group consumed less calcium, 375 g/day compared to 683 g/day, and their total protein intake was significantly less, 35.3 g/day compared to 62.6 g/day.
Ho-Pham LT, Nguyen PLT, Le TTT, et al. Veganism, bone mineral density, and body composition: a study in Buddhist nuns. Osteoporos Int. 2009. Published online April 7, 2009: DOI 10.1007/s00198-009-0916-z.
Soja minskar risken för höftfraktur
Soy Intake Decreases Risk of Hip Fractures
In a new study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, intake of soy products reduced the risk of hip fractures as much as 36 percent among women who consumed more than the least amount of soy. All intakes above the least amount consumed, for example any amount greater than one-fourth cup tofu per day, averaged a 30 percent protective effect. The study was part of the Singapore Chinese Health Study and looked at more than 63,000 male and female adults.
Koh WP, Wu AH, Wang R, et al. Gender-specific associations between soy and risk of hip fracture in the Singapore Chinese Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2009;170:901-909.
Fisk skyddar inte mot hjärtsjukdom
Eating Fish Does Not Protect Against Heart Failure
In a study out this month, researchers found that consuming fish does not reduce the risk of heart failure. After 11 years of follow-up of 5,000 men and women, almost 670 developed heart failure. Those who consumed the most fish had no protective effect, compared with others. This research was part of the Rotterdam Study in the Netherlands where, like all Western nations, heart failure is common.
Dijkstra SC, Brouwer IA, van Rooij FJA, Hofman A, Witteman JCM, Geleijnse JM. Intake of very long chain n-3 fatty acids from fish and the incidence of heart failure: the Rotterdam Study. Eur J Heart Fail. 2009;11:922-928.
Veggie Summit Meeting
- drafting definitions of vegetarian and vegan, and lobbying to have these made law within the EU;
- creating a database to share brochures, pictures and other resources;
- setting up a yahoo-group to enable societies to communicate rapidly and alert each other to urgent and important issues; and
- looking into the possibilities of EU funding.
Alpro sålt
måndag 26 oktober 2009
Fläderbären har en antiviral verkan dvs förhindrar att virus får fäste i kroppen. Lindrar även i det fall man redan blivit sjuk.
onsdag 14 oktober 2009
Vegetarisk spindel
Bagheera kiplingi, en sydamerikansk art, som främst livnär sig på acacia. Det finns ca 40 000 spindelarter i världen- en av dem är vegetarian.
Fiskkonsumtion ger ej skydd mot hjärtsjukdom
I en nyproducerad studie har man funnit att fiskkonsumtion inte minskar risk för hjärtsjukdom. En 11-årig studie på 5000 män och kvinnor, visade att 670 person fick hjärtinfarkt.De som konsumerade extra mycket fisk vidade inga tecken på att det hade någon skyddande effekt. Studien gjordes i Rotterdam, Holland, där hjärtsjukdomar är vanliga. .
Dijkstra SC , Brouwer IA , van Rooij FJA, Hofman A, Witteman JCM, Geleijnse JM. Intake of very long chain n-3 fatty acids from fish and the incidence of heart failure: the Rotterdam Study. Eur J Heart Fail. 2009;11:922-928.
måndag 12 oktober 2009
Studie på veganer
Ordna med avsmakning på gågatan
Dela ut recept
ordna med bokbord
visa film
arrangera debatt
sälja veganmat
Vegomässan 5 december



På Vegomässan kommer Veganföreningen ha ett bord med tidningar, tröjor, veganmärken, veganska julkort mm
1,5 dl havre eller sojagrädde
25 gr margarin
Värm upp grädden och rör ner chokladhacket. Ta i margarinet. Rör försiktigt. Låt svalna. Rör sedan var tredje minut tills du kan forma bollar. Rulla bollarna i nöthack, kokos eller kakaopulver.
söndag 27 september 2009
Vegan Society i England
Vegan Society Annual General Meeting
Saturday 21 November
Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4RL
Doors open 11 am
Local Contacts' meeting 12.00
AGM 2 pm to 4.30 pm
Lunch can be purchased from 12.30 pm to 2 pm
onsdag 16 september 2009
Ica-Maxi i Alby
onsdag 9 september 2009
Veganjobb i England
VON is an educational charity promoting animal-free growing for the benefit of animals, people and our planet. There is existing help with day-to-day systems such as cashbook and payments/receipts. VON is also a registered company. See www.veganorganic.net
Someone with commitment to our aims and existing charity accountancy experience and/or expertise would be ideal.
The present Treasurer will train a new person and continue to be available.
This work could be done on a voluntary or honorarium basis, all expenses paid and all necessary equipment provided in either case.
VON has no office: everyone works from home.
For more information and to discuss this opportunity informally please contact Peter White:
0161 928 3614
Veganjobb i England
Only vegans or those willing to be vegan for the duration of their employment need apply.
Veganbo i Köpenhamn
Fremleje, 2 værelses lejlighed, Nørrebro
2 værelses lejlighed på Nørrebro fremlejes pr. 1. januar 2010 i 12 måneder; muligvis længere.
Lejligheden er nyistandsat, velholdt og delvist møbleret; der er 2 værelser, køkken, toilet med brus, Internet opkobling og i køkkenet er installeret ekstra koldtvandshane med 7-trins vandfilter.
Lejligheden er til fremleje for veganere/vegetarer som er ikke rygere.
Husleje: 4500,- måneden ekskl. forbrug
Depositum: 3 måneders husleje
Henvendelse: Anette Munch, 23 81 66 43, anette.munch@hotmail.com
måndag 7 september 2009
Vego i Singapore
Please bring a non Vegetarian friend for Sunday Lunch to taste, sample and peruse.
Sunday November1st
11am - 6pm
fredag 4 september 2009
Minska risken för influensan
Drick grönt te som innehåller antioxidanterna polyfenoler
Se till att få i dig D-vitamin varje dag både som solljus och tillskott
Ät antioxidanten quercetin som finns i; körsbär, röda druvor, blåbär, broccoli, lök och persilja
Ät fläderbär eller drick saft av den. Fläderbär anses skydda mot influensa.
Shitakesvamp och champinjoner anses också innehålla ämnen som ger skydd mot influensa.
Ät vitlök och ingefära
C-vitamin rika frukter och bär
jordgubbar 76 mg C och 1540 ORAC
Päron 5 mg C och 134 ORAC
Havtorn 120 mg C, 1500 ORAC
Blåbär 10 mg C, 4460 ORAC
Björnbär 6 mg C, 2036 ORAC
Hallon 30 mg C, 1220 ORAC
Körsbär 7 mg C, 670 ORAC
Tranbär 14 mg C, 1750 ORAC
Lingon 2 mg C, 203 ORAC
Rå broccoli
Rå broccoli 120 mg vitamin C
Ångokt broccoli 90 mg
Kokt broccoli 40 mg
lördag 29 augusti 2009
Veganfestival i London
Thank you to those of you who have already volunteered to help at the London Vegan Festival on Sunday 6 September at Kensington Town Hall.
We still need volunteers so please forward this e-mail to friends and family who may be interested.
The following jobs need to be filled. Please get in touch (info@vegancampaigns.org.uk) if you can help.
stewards, 3 for each shift 11- 2, 2-5, 5-8.
setting up - 8.30 am onwards
clearing away - 8 pm onwards
traffic marshalls - 1 needed for the evening shift
introducing speakers/musicians
clearing tables
collecting rubbish
handing out leaflets
moving chairs for yoga/meditation
helping in the children's workshop
helping on the Vegan Campaigns stall
lördag 22 augusti 2009
Matmässa i helgen
tisdag 18 augusti 2009
Vegansk matlagningskurs på ett
miljövänligt sätt i hemmiljö.
Kursen innehåller:
- Klimatsmarta val i vardagen
- Tillagning av säsongsbetonade maträtter
- Groddning
- Mjölksyrning av grönsaker.
- Ev. tofu tillverkning
Längd: ca. 4 timmar.
Pris: 475 kronor inkl moms/pers.
Kontakta Régis Chevrot
Tel: 0706 597 029
E-mail: detkosmiskakoket@yahoo.se
söndag 16 augusti 2009
Vegoträff i Afrika
Vegoträff i USA
The San Francisco Vegetarian Society and In Defense of Animals invites everyone to the Tenth
Saturday & Sunday, 3 & 4 October, 10 am to 6 pm
entrance at Lincoln & 9th Avenue, next to the Arboretum
John Robbins, Dr Michael Greger, Howard Lyman, Kathryn Freston, Dr Milton Mills, Cherie Soria, Dr Elliot Katz & more
with recipes and samples
$6 suggested donation
www.sfvs.org or 415-273-5481
Veganfestival i London
The London Vegan Festival is coming up on Sunday 6 September. Vegan Campaigns will have a stall there so we need some lovely people to help out throughout the day. The festival opens at 11 am and closes at 8 pm although stalls can pack up earlier if they wish.
So we need a couple of people to set up the stall from 10 am and do a few hours on the stall until 1pm. Then there will be the lunchtime shift until 3:30 pm and finally the end-of day-shift until 6 pm or so.
If you can help on the day please e-mail info@vegancampaigns.org.uk and let me know what shift you would prefer.
Volunteers are also required at the festival. Jobs include but are not limited to stewarding, cleaning, traffic marshalling and introducing speakers. So please also let me know if you can help out as a volunteer.
Veganer i Stockholm
gemensamt restaurangbesök med Svensk mat- och miljöinformation i
Stockholm. Vi träffas kl 18 på den veganska snabbmatsrestaurangen
Ekobar på Norra Stationsgatan 51 för mat, samkväm och diskussion.
Därefter går de som känner för det vidare till något närbeläget fik för
att diskutera höstens aktiviteter med Svensk mat- och miljöinformation.
Du når oss på telefon 073-891 07 27. Du är hjärtligt välkommen!!!
måndag 27 juli 2009
World Animal Day
West Midland Vegan Festival
Plats:Wulfrun Hall,Wolves Civic. Tid kl 11-17
Vegan bed&breakfast
onsdag 22 juli 2009
Vegan Camp i England
Vegan Camp is a friendly and enjoyable annual social gathering for singles, couples and families.
Each year we choose a new location (this year Newquay) with people coming to stay from day visits to the full two weeks. Most camp on the site but some stay in luxury holiday caravans on site or in nearby hotels, guesthouses or hostels and visit during the day. There are usually between 60 and 130 people over the 2-week
period, including many new faces although some of us have been coming for 10 years or more. We often have communal meals (sometimes with a talent show),
sing songs, camp fires (if allowed) and just general lounge-abouts. We enjoy outings to the beach, walks in the countryside, picnics and visiting local places of interest.
We are a diverse group with ages from babies up to those in their 70s, singles, couples and families. Some people come every year and some when we are in their area. What is consistent is the friendly, helpful and fun atmosphere. We can draw on the talents and enthusiasm of some of those attending to put on events which in the past have included circus skills workshops, first-aid lessons, raw- and wild-food workshops, rock climbing, surfing, orienteering, meditation, talent shows and yoga. We welcome new skills or offers and suggestions. Many children attend and it is an ideal time for them to meet other vegan children and to see that they are not the odd ones out. Children and adults form many friendships at the camp.
This year's camp is located at the delightful Rejerrah in Cornwall, near Newquay. Close by are the Eden Project, Land's End, Flambards Theme Park, the quaint town of Padstow and Paradise Park, to name but a few. With Cornwall's extensive coastline there are plenty of water sports on offer and the superb beaches of Perranporth and Newquay are just minutes away.
Kurs i Levande Föda
Kostnad 500 kr + matkostnader. Dagen efter Yogakurs. Anmäl till kursledaren
Eric Karlsson är leg. naprapat och självläkningslärare. Han har över 30 års erfarenhet av arbete inom alternativ hälsovård, levande föda, raw food, fasta, massage, naprapati, hydroterapi m.m. Han har studerat yoga bl a på Astanga Yoga Academy i Cairns, Australien.Vegansemester i England
www.vegiventures.com & www.yuvaholidays.com.
Ny ägare av vegoföretag
"Heather shares the same values and aims as us, namely to spread
compassion across the planet and promote a healthy and more ethical
lifestyle," he said. "The acquisition will enable us to accelerate growth
of the Redwood brand around the world and allow Heather to promote
veganism globally through her own restaurants and brands. Being a primary
manufacturer is important as it gives much greater control over
ingredients and quality."
lördag 18 juli 2009
Grönsaker i pallkragar

Alla mina grönsaker växer i pallkragar. Salladen är stor och hög, likaså mangolden. Morötterna skördas varje dag. Löken är stor och glänsande. Ärtorna tjocka och trinda. Vitlöken kryddig.Squashen och gurkan måste skördas varje dag, liksom paprikan. Ännu ingen mogen tomat.Aubergin, melon och punpa växer på. Persiljan klar och dillen hög och stolt. Dags att ta upp potatisen. Härligt med egen odlad mat, skördad färsk. Odlad utan djurgödsel.
fredag 17 juli 2009
Veganodling i USA
Vegan som konst

Skulptören Anthony Gormley använder den 5:e pelaren på Trafalgar Square för levande konstverk. En levande människa får stå uppe på pelaren från soluppgång till solnedgång. De får göra vad de vill uppe på pelaren. Sova, äta, läsa, prata. Den 29 juli står Vegan Society medlemmen Brian Jacobs på pelaren, iförd Animal Aids kostym "Wendy the Cow", och gör reklam för veganism.
Det filmas hela tiden och kan ses på www.oneandother.co.uk
torsdag 16 juli 2009
Odling för djurfoder
Vegan-Organic network, samlar veganska odlare och sprider information om mer miljövänliga odlingssätt.
fredag 10 juli 2009
Veganmat i Talinn
En 3-rätters lunchmeny kostar från 45 estniska kroonor
Pizzeria i Malmö
Adressen är Sandbackegatan 10 c Kirseberg
tel 040-938516
Malmö igen
torsdag 2 juli 2009
Kontaktperson i Enzymen
(ideell Levande föda förening)
Bölse 424 B
311 98 Glommen
Tel 0346-233 40
Mobil 0733-91 62 71
e-post: tommy@halsoresa.se
Rawfood butik
Groddar, frön, böcker, kosttillskott, bröd, godis mm
Raw food kurs i Stockholm
Birgitta Bengtsson, Living Food i Värmland, håller numera även
3-dagars kurser i Levande Föda med Matlagning, Näringskunskap och Livsstilsförändring på Nordiskt Näringscenter i Danderyd, Stockholm. Nästa kursomgång kommer att hållas den 17-19 juli 2009.
Levande föda i Värmland
Ring gärna om du vill veta mer, eller om du vill boka en kurs:
Telefon: 0570-461022
Mobil: 070-6443722
E-post: info@living-food.se
Adress: Broviksvägen Värmskog, 671 95 Klässbol (Värmland)
Levande föda i Småland
Living Food Global Center
Skeppsgården 615 92
Tel: 0493-41425
Fax: 0493-414 30
E-post: mail@livingfood.nu
Rawfood och yoga



Mer info & bokning, tel: 0175-31393,
Rawfood på semestern
Levande Föda Kur & Kursgård
Fjällbo 35A
760 40 Väddö
onsdag 1 juli 2009
Vegan Society på facebook
Festival i Frankrike i augusti
tisdag 30 juni 2009
måndag 29 juni 2009
Grönt te
Green Tea and the Risk of Breast Cancer in Asian Americans. International Journal of Cancer 106(August 2003):574.
Näringsrik vegankost
Undersökningen visade att veganerna hade högre intag av 16 av totalt 19 undersökta näringsämnen. Veganerna fick tillräckligt med protein, 3 gånger mer vitamin C, 3 gånger mer vitamin E och fibrer, dubbelt så mycket av folsyra, magnesium, koppar och mangan. Veganerna åt dubbelt så mycket frukt och dubbelt så mycket grönsaker som husmanskostarna och hälften så mycket mättat fett. 2/3 av alla amerikaner är överviktiga, 11% av veganerna var det. 1/3 av amerikanerna lider av fetma. Ingen av veganerna gjorde det.
Nästa gång någon frågar dig som vegan hur du får i dig B12 så kan du fråga tillbaka- hur får du i dig kalk,jod,C,E,folsyra,magnesium och fibrer.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 57(August 2003):947.
USDA. Food and Nutrient Intakes by Individuals in the United States, by Region, 1994-96.
World Health Organization Technical Report Series 916. Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases. 2003.
söndag 28 juni 2009
torsdag 25 juni 2009
Veganjobb i Wien
tisdag 23 juni 2009
Vegansk researrangör
arrangerar veganska resor runtom i Europa liksom i England.
Vegansk kryssning
Veganjobb i Frankrike
You will doubtless have seen the ads for Le Guerrat in various veg*an publications and Sue has an article in the brand-new issue of the VON magazine.
If you're interested please do not contact me but Sue:
Sue Morris
Le Guerrat
09420 Esplas de Sérou
tel: +33 (0)5 61 96 37 03
torsdag 18 juni 2009
Vegangatering 2010
Veganfestival i Frankrike i augusti
Vegan Music & Art Festival
19-26 Août 2009, Largentière, Ardèche - Le Cri de la carotte, 1er festival vegan de musique et d’art à Largentière en Ardèche vous invite à une semaine de vacances culturelles dont le point fort sera le week-end du 22 et 23 août avec deux journées-concerts et restauration végétalienne en soutien à la cause
L’association culturelle Veg’attitude présente le festival Le Cri de la carotte
à Largentière en Ardèche du 19 au 26 août 2009.
Le Cri de la carotte, nom volontairement emprunt d’autodérision, se veut un
évènement festif qui prend à contre-courant les clichés et a priori sur les
végétarien(ne) s et végétalien(ne) s. Le Cri symbolise également leur engagement pour les animaux.
Ce festival se déroule autour de deux thématiques : musique et vacances
La musique est mise à l’honneur lors d’un week-end de concerts, les 22 et 23
août, avec des artistes éclectiques soutenant la cause animale. Des repas
végétaliens seront proposés lors de ces journées.
La programmation musicale est en cours ; l’évolution est accessible sur le site
Internet dédié au Festival Le Cri de la carotte :
http://lecridelacar otte.free. fr.
Les vacances créatives consistent en des échanges libres et spontanés de
savoirs, activités ludiques et autres divertissements au gré des jours et des
envies de chacun(e) pendant les journées entourant le week-end musical.
Le Domaine de Jossoin, aire naturelle de camping de 4 hectares, situé au cœur du
Parc Naturel Régional des Monts d’Ardèche, à 1 kilomètre seulement de la cité
médiévale de Largentière, accueille les festivaliers pour cet évènement inédit
et offre la possibilité de camper sur place.
Le lieu du festival est accessible par tout moyen de transport : SNCF : gare
autoroutière à Largentière / Axes routiers principaux : Montélimar, Valence,
Alès / Aéroport : Nîmes.
Pour plus d’information, vous pouvez contacter l’association Veg’Attitude
(n°W071000599) :
Contacts communication Ardèche : Julie Henry-Zuccarini – 06 62 37 75 70
Contacts communication Paris : Karine Vérité – 06 83 69 38 60
E-mail : contact.lecridelaca rotte@yahoo. fr
Veganskt midsommarfirande
Den grupp som tidigare planerat att fira utomhus kommer pga vädret istället ses på Hermans. Alla välkomna!
Veganjobb i Indien
SHARAN is a small organization run mainly from Auroville, TN, India.
Our office has only 3 desks and can hold a maximum of 4 people but we
are a very ambitious and hardworking organization.
SHARAN's goals : Education in the fields of natural health, animal
rights and organic farming.
We are looking for someone to join our office as an intern.
The applicant should:
- be vegan or aspiring vegan
- want to spread the message of veganism to help animals and
humans through the link to global warming and climate change, food
shortages and deforestation
- have basic knowledge of veganism and the link to health,
animal welfare and the environment
- have a good command of English and the ability to learn new
- be able to work on his/her own initiative
- have some exceptional skills that can be used for this -
public speaking and public relations / vegan cooking and demos / vegan
restaurant experience / graphic design / creative writing / film-making
/ event management / fundraising / computer programming.
söndag 14 juni 2009
Bönor i mynta
Dressing: 4 msk olivolja
2 msk citronsaft
1 hackad silverlök
1 hackad vitlöksklyfta
2 msk hackad färsk mynta.
Slå dressingen över bönorna
I min trädgård
Morötternas blast är mer än 1 dm hög- dags att gallra. Sockerärtorna klättrar uppför stödspjälor. Jag har planterat ut pumpor och squash. Squash och paprika har satt frukter och växer för varje dag. Tomaterna stora ocj kraftiga- måste tjuvas varje vecka och gödslas med nässelvatten.Rädisorna är stora och goda. Dags att så om liksom dillen som är klar att skörda.
Nu mognar jordgubbarna så jag har täckt dem med fiberväv. Bönorna som jag sådde för 2 veckor sedan tycker jag synd om. De ska ha varm jord men det har varit riktigt kallt de senaste 2 veckorna. Persikorna är ännu små som små plmomon. Krusbär och vinbär har mängder av kart.
Potatis och lök odlar jag i sand. Lägger gräsklipp runtom.
tisdag 19 maj 2009
Svenskodlad soja
onsdag 13 maj 2009
Ännu en blogg
Spenaten växer
Vegomat i Kiruna.
Veganmat i Linköping
Köttfri dag
måndag 11 maj 2009
Vegomässan i Malmö
tisdag 5 maj 2009
Synpunkter på svininfluensa
Swine Flu? I’ve got your cure right here…

On Sunday the United States declared a public health emergency to deal with the new swine flu. The flu originated in Mexico and has since been spread to other countries. According to Mexico’s health minister, this disease has killed 86 people and likely sickened around 1,400 people since April 13, 2009. Here in the US, officials say the virus has been located in New York, California, Kansas, Texas and Ohio. So far no fatalities have been reported.
The World Health Organization (WHO) decided on Saturday to declare the outbreaks in Mexico and the US a “public health emergency of international concern.” Kenji Fukuda, a WHO assistant director-general in charge of health security, said that the same strain of the A/H1N1 swine flu virus appears to be spreading directly from human to human. While, WHO Director-General Margaret Chan called the outbreak a public health emergency of “pandemic potential” because the virus can pass from human to human.
The swine flu, for those that don’t know, is a respiratory disease found in pigs that can be transferred to humans. From Wikipedia:
“The origins of the new swine influenza virus SIV-H1N1 strain remain unknown. One theory is that Asian and European strains traveled to Mexico in migratory birds or in people, then combined with North American strains in Mexican pig factory farms before jumping over to farm workers. The Mexican health agency acknowledged that the original disease vector of the virus may have been flies multiplying in manure lagoons of pig farms near Perote, Veracruz, owned by Granjas Carroll, a subsidiary of Smithfield Foods.”
Did ya’ll catch that “maure lagoons” reference? Yup, just another by-product of factory farming. Of course everyone is going to be rushing to the pharmacy to stockpile an antibiotic or what have you to fight this disease. I’ve got a better cure. How about we stop factory farming? We could not only save animals lives but we could stop creating breeding grounds for diseases. I know, I know - novel idea.
Oh, and President Obama? According to the AP:
“President Barack Obama says the spread of swine flu is a cause for concern but “not a cause of alarm” and he’s staying on top of the problem.
Obama told a gathering of scientists Monday that the administration is “closely monitoring” cases of swine flu, how many people have it and what the threat is. Obama also said the American people can expect to get regular and frequent updates about what Washington is doing.
He said the swine flu threat dramatizes how the United States cannot allow itself to fall behind in scientific and medical research.”
Allow me to save the US millions of dollars in scientific and medical research - STOP EATING ANIMALS.
CDC suggestions for avoiding the spread of swine flu
Individuals are encouraged to take the following steps to stop the spread of influenza and other respiratory illnesses:
- Stay home when you are sick to avoid spreading illness to friends and co-workers or students.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue and properly dispose of used tissues.
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to get rid of most germs and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Stay healthy by eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water and getting adequate rest and exercise.
Mer svininfluensa
Europe is now telling travelers to avoid the USA and Mexico, and America has declared a public health emergency. Some thoughts on the swine flu outbreak, which now has sickened forty people in the US, and killed more than 100 in Mexico:
• I’m pessimistic about reform. There are a lot of things regarding the meat industry that I’m optimistic about. For instance, I really think that factory farming can be largely wiped out over the next few decades. But I’m deeply pessimistic that anything meaningful will be done regarding swine flu. It’s not like the meat industry’s suddenly going to have an attack of conscience. And we, as a society, aren’t ready to ban cheap meat, even if the stuff is likely to one day produce a pandemic.
• The reporting sucks. Every article should point out that factory farming is solely to blame for this current mess. Instead, as always, animal agriculture gets a free pass.
• If the shoe was on the other foot…if there was some vegan tofu delicacy that was at the root of this outbreak, society would justifiably rise up and ban that food overnight. They’d probably put a few vegan heads on a pike for good measure.
• Who’s the real terrorist? Why is this guy on the FBI’s most wanted terrorist list when he hasn’t spilled a drop of blood? How about adding a few pig and chicken farmers to the list, seeing how this industry could potentially snuff millions of people this year? If Bin Laden was really serious about mass killing, he’d go into the chicken business.
• We’re powerless. There’s not a damned thing the vegan community can do about this. Over the next few weeks, the shit will either hit the fan or it won’t. I don’t see the payback for vegans raising the alarm, even if we turn out to be right. And if we sound the alarm and are wrong, we lose credibility.
• If I had to bet…my money would be on this particular outbreak fizzling out like SARS. But one of these years we won’t be so lucky, and millions of people will likely die.
Assuming we dodge the bullet this time around, there’s one short-term policy change that the animal rights community ought to help ram through. We need to make it illegal to raise pigs and chickens on the same property. This is an enormously reckless practice when it comes to giving the flu virus a chance to mutate. And, on this one front, the factory farming community will have to cave in under public pressure.
…Okay, I couldn’t resist. I need to understand why why why the mainstream media (and people I meet) don’t seem to understand that the cruel treatment of non-human animals is rooted in pandemics like this. It’s like people are continuously surprised that if you forcefully pack 100,000 non-human animals in industrialized factory farmed facility, loaded with bacteria, torture, germs, etc, it’s a breeding ground for non-human animal to human animal viruses and bacteria….
Vegansk dietist
Så här skrev hon 28 april om svininfluensan;
Some Thoughts on Swine Flu: A Vegan Perspective
In the midst of a potential swine flu pandemic, we are being reassured that it’s okay to eat pork. News releases from the government and industry declare that swine flu is not transmitted by eating pork, and my fellow dietitians are busy advising consumers about safe pork cooking practices.Pork is safe? Doesn’t this miss the point completely?
We have factory farms because there is no other way to satisfy appetites of Americans and other westerners for meat. Among their other horrors—which include environmental destruction and horrendous animal cruelty—factory farms are breeding grounds for disease. So now we have swine flu. And the response from the farm industry and even from health experts is to encourage people to engage in the very habits that caused it in the first place.
It may be true that you can’t get swine flu directly by eating a piece of bacon. But the only real protection from swine flu and other viruses poised to make the leap from animals to humans, is to do away with factory farms.
Vegan Midsommar
Det finns vandrarhem+ stuga med sängplatser+ tältmöjligheter
Nya vegogrupper
Skrivarläger i sommar
Anmäl till ulla.troeng@sodertalje.se
söndag 3 maj 2009
Veganska nunnor och kalk
Vegomöte i Västafrika
Odla tomater
tisdag 28 april 2009
Vårig potatissallad
2 röda paprikor
2 knippor rädisor
gräslök eller piplök
2 dl buljong
3 msk vitvinsvinäger
2 dl olivolja
2 msk senap
örtsalt och svartpeppar
Skiva eller tärna den kokta potatisen. Skiva grönsakerna och hacka örterna. Blanda allt tillsammans med dressingen.
1/2 dl farinsocker
1 krm kardemumma
1 krm kanel
1 krm vanilj
Fräs äpplena i kryddorna. Lägg dem sedan på utkavlade rutor av smördeg eller fillodeg. Vik ihop och baka i ugnen 200 grader i 15 minuter.
Servera med 2 dl sojatoo som smaksätts med rivet limeskal och vanilj
Alkoholfritt bål
Häll på en flaska mousserande mineralvatten eller Schweppes Caribez
Skiva i skivade jordgubbar eller annan frukt eller bär(tex hallon eller svarta vinbär)
På Systemet finns många alkoholfria drycker;
Varunr | Namn![]() | Årg. | Land | Förpackning | Volym | Kr/lit | Pris | |||||
99211 | Belle de Boskop Äppelmust | 2007 | Sverige | Flaska | 630 ml | (39.68) | 25.00 | |||||
1945 | Billabong Sparkling Brut | Australien | Flaska | 750 ml | (56.00) | 42.00 | A | |||||
1952 | Blue Nun Light | Tyskland | Flaska | 750 ml | (48.00) | 36.00 | A | |||||
1985 | Carlsberg Non-Alcoholic | Danmark | Flaska | 330 ml | (28.78) | 9.50 | A | |||||
1926 | Chapel Hill Sparkling Collection Doux | Okänt ursprung | Flaska | 750 ml | (49.33) | 37.00 | A | |||||
99009 | Cox Orange Äppelmust | 2007 | Sverige | Flaska | 630 ml | (39.68) | 25.00 | |||||
99598 | God Jul Glögg | 2008 | Sverige | Flaska | 750 ml | (26.66) | 20.00 | |||||
98463 | Grains de Folie Syrah | Frankrike | Flaska | 750 ml | (52.00) | 39.00 | ||||||
1931 | Inglenook St Regis Cabernet Sauvignon | USA | Flaska | 750 ml | (45.33) | 34.00 | A | |||||
99207 | Ingrid Marie Äppelmust | 2007 | Sverige | Flaska | 630 ml | (39.68) | 25.00 | |||||
1978 | Jever Fun | Tyskland | Flaska | 330 ml | (28.78) | 9.50 | A | |||||
1986 | Kaliber Premium Lager | Storbritannien | Flaska | 330 ml | (27.87) | 9.20 | A | |||||
1983 | Kiviks Herrgårdscider Päron | Sverige | Flaska | 750 ml | (20.00) | 15.00 | A | |||||
1984 | Kiviks Herrgårdscider Äpple | Sverige | Flaska | 750 ml | (23.86) | 17.90 | A | |||||
95048 | Lancers Free Rosé | Portugal | Flaska | 750 ml | (52.00) | 39.00 | C | |||||
1981 | Loxton Cabernet Sauvignon | Australien | Flaska | 750 ml | (52.00) | 39.00 | A | |||||
1987 | Maison Rosé | Australien | Flaska | 750 ml | (38.66) | 29.00 | ||||||
1918 | Mousserande Jordgubbsvin Alkoholfri | Österrike | Flaska | 750 ml | (38.66) | 29.00 | A | |||||
1949 | Peach Pearl | Polen | Flaska | 750 ml | (30.26) | 22.70 | A | |||||
1990 | Sanbitter Dry | Italien | 6 fl à 100 ml | 600 ml | (45.00) | 27.00 | A | |||||
1999 | Sanbitter Röd | Italien | 6 fl à 100 ml | 600 ml | (50.00) | 30.00 | A | |||||
1943 | Sanpellegrino Mineralvatten | Italien | Flaska | 500 ml | (20.00) | 10.00 | A | |||||
1966 | Schloss Boosenburg | Tyskland | Flaska | 750 ml | (58.66) | 44.00 | A | |||||
1966 | Schloss Boosenburg | Tyskland | Flaska | 200 ml | (75.00) | 15.00 | A | |||||
98575 | Sobrium Rosé | Spanien | Flaska | 750 ml | (50.66) | 38.00 | ||||||
1989 | Stowford Press | Storbritannien | Flaska | 330 ml | (30.00) | 9.90 | A | |||||
1930 | Sutter Home Fre Premium Red | USA | Flaska | 750 ml | (53.33) | 40.00 | A | |||||
1941 | Sutter Home Fre Premium White | USA | Flaska | 750 ml | (53.33) | 40.00 | A | |||||
1969 | Sutter Home Fre Chardonnay | USA | Flaska | 750 ml | (56.00) | 42.00 | A | |||||
1922 | Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier Alkoholfrei |
Mon, Apr 27, 2009