söndag 14 november 2010

Kommande veganfestivaler&kongresser

East Africa Vegetarian Congress - 3-5 Dec, 2010, Nairobi, Kenya. Contact the IVU Regional Coordinator for Africa, Emmanuel Eyoh - nigveganimal@yahoo.com

Middle East Vegetarian Congress, 6-7 Dec - Dubai, UAE. Contact IVU International Council member, Sandhya Prakash - sandhya@meveg.info The Congress will take place during the 8th Middle East Natural & Organic Foods Expo 2010, 6-8 Dec - http://www.naturalproductme.com - which will include 16 booths in a dedicated MEVEG Pavilion.

2nd Latin American Vegetarian Congress in Bolivia - Jun, 2011 - exact place and date to be announced - marly.winckler@gmail.com

13th International Vegan Festival - 4-12 Jun, 2011 - Malaga, Spain http://www.ivu.org/veganfest/2011

5th Asian Vegetarian Congress - Nov, 2011, Hangzhou, China

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